1107 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building. Construction view
1107 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
[The Ardsley, 320 Central Park West.]
[Central Park, looking west from 92nd Street.]
[View from Rex Beach's penthouse, Central Park West and 92nd Street.]
1 East 91st Street. Interior courtyard abutting 1107 Fifth Avenue, apartment building under construction
1200 Fifth Avenue. View of Central Park from window
92nd Street and West End Avenue. Watercolor, rendering by Brigden, of apartment house.
25 Central Park West. Century Apartments. View from Central Park
215 West 92nd Street at Broadway. The Clayton apartments
Amsterdam Avenue between West 92nd Street and West 93rd Street. Pencil drawing, 17 story apartment building
145 Central Park West. San Remo Towers apartments. View from Central Park Lake
302 Central Park West. El Dorado Apartments
[Central Park looking toward apartment buildings on Central Park West.]
Central Park. View looking west across park from Barbizon Plaza, 106 Central Park South
1067 Fifth Avenue, corner of 87th Street. View from tenants window looking West over Central Park, Apartment 8.