[557 Fifth Avenue. Grayson store.]
[Postman's gloves and handbags store, 436 Fifth Avenue.]
[Peck & Peck, 475 Fifth Avenue.]
622 5th Avenue. London Feather Co. Building, exterior.
[Stetson Shoes, 385 Fifth Avenue.]
535 5th Avenue. Simcox [Building, women looking at dresses in store window].
[5th Avenue between 45th and 46th Streets.]
381 Fifth Avenue. Storefront, display windows with shoes
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Bonwit Teller. Display windows
417 Fifth Avenue. Selby Shoe Store
[J. & J. Slater, 415 Fifth Avenue.]
Building, Budd, 572 Fifth Avenue.
566 Fifth Avenue. Union Dime Savings Bank. Artist rendering of renovation
[38 West 50th Street.]
535 5th Avenue. Simcox Building.
680 Fifth Avenue. Revillon Freres, Rockefeller Building