186 Riverside Drive at West 91st Street, southeast corner. Apartment building
[Apartment building at West 88th Street and West End Avenue.]
[Apartment building on West End Avenue.]
1 East 91st Street. Interior courtyard abutting 1107 Fifth Avenue, apartment building under construction
820 West End Avenue. Apartment building
West 91st Street and the N.E. corner of Riverside Drive.
325 West End Avenue. Arndt Christopher Apartments
639 West End Ave., N.W. Corner 91st St.
Buildings, "Eldorado" 302 Central Park West & 91st St. N.Y.
808 West End Avenue at West 99th Street. Allendale Apartments. Interior
[West 81st Street and Columbus Avenue. Apartment building.]
West End Avenue at the N.W. corner of 97th Street. Apartment house.
92nd Street and West End Avenue. Watercolor, rendering by Brigden, of apartment house.
808 West End Avenue. Allendale Apartments. Interior
808 West End Avenue. Allendale Apartments. Interior, hall
11 East 91st Street. Trevor Residence.
808 West End Avenue at West 99th Street. Allendale Apartments. Interior, living room
West End Avenue at the S.W. corner of West 88th Street. Apartment house.