[Theater. Interior, view of stage from balcony.]
[Plaza Theater. Interior, view from balcony.]
Theater. Interior, view from balcony
[Theater. Interior, view from balcony.]
[Interior of theater, view from balcony.]
[Interior, theater with cast on stage.]
Theater. Interior, view from stage
825 Manhattan Avenue. RKO Theater. Interior, view of stage from balcony
1260 Sixth Avenue. Radio City Music Hall. Interior, view of stage show from balcony
1260 Sixth Avenue. Radio City Music Hall. Interior, theater with stage show
[Church. Interior, view from balcony.]
Manhattan Avenue, Greenpoint. RKO Theater. Interior, view from balcony
[Interior, auditorium, view from balcony.]
[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, view from balcony.]
[Interior of unidentified church, view from balcony.]