[Church. Entrance.]
St. Bartholomew Church, bronze doors.
53rd Street and 5th Avenue. St. Thomas Church, detail of South entrance.
[Interior of unidentified church.]
[Interior, entrance hall.]
1010 Park Avenue. Central Christian Church. Entrance
East 117th Street. St. Paul's Roman Catholic Church. Entrance
[Entrance to unidentified building.]
[Entrance to unidentified library.]
[Theater. Entrance.]
[Entrance to unidentified bank.]
325 Park Avenue. St. Bartholomew's Church
[Entrance to an unidentified residence.]
West 10th Street and Fifth Avenue. Church of Ascension. All Souls chapel entrance
West 155th Street at the S.E. corner of Broadway. Chapel of the Intercession, detail of entrance front.
Emil Eiseman's residence, detail of entrance.