[Cafeteria workers demonstrating outside of Vanderbilt Cafeteria.]
[Office building with Vanderbilt Cafeteria on ground floor.]
Murray Hill Building. 285 Madison Ave. Cor. 40 St.
The Murray Hill Building South-east Corner 40 St. and Madison Ave
1260 Sixth Avenue. Radio City Music Hall. Cafeteria
[Pearl and Water Street. Chase Cafeteria.]
Murray Hill Building. N.E. Cor. 40 St. and Madison Ave.
Manhattan College. Interior, cafeteria
N.E. Corner 46 St & Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking North from S.E. Corner 45 St & Madison Ave.
N.E. Corner 46 St & Madison Ave. N.Y.C. Looking N.E. from S.W. Cor. 46 St & Madison Ave.
Vanderbilt Model Tenements
[Interior, cafeteria dining room.]
East 26th Street and Madison Avenue. Madison Square Garden, detail of tower
[Construction of the John Murray House.]
Birds eye view looking south on Fifth Avenue from 38th Street roof of Lord and Taylor