[Vanderbilt Avenue and East 42nd Street.]
41 East 42nd Street at Madison Avenue. Liggett Building
30 East 42nd Street at Madison Avenue
[Sixth Avenue and 42nd Street.]
East 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Chrysler Building
[Elevated Railroads, Looking East on 42nd Street from Grand Central.]
East 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Union Carbide and Carbon Building
Street Scenes, Madison Avenue & 42nd Street.
[Madison Avenue and 42nd Street.]
East 42nd Street and Fourth Avenue. Grand Central Terminal.
42nd Street. Grand Central Station
42nd Street and Fifth Avenue. New York Public Library
[Carbide and Carbon Building, Madison Avenue & 42nd Street.]
East 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Chrysler Building. Artist rendering
East 42nd Street and Park Avenue. Grand Central Station, Liggetts Drugstore. Construction view
122 East 42nd Street. Chanin Tower building. View from 220 East 42nd Street, Daily News Building
[42nd Street and Madison Avenue.]