[British Empire building, Rockefeller Center.]
620 Fifth Avenue. Rockefeller Center. British and French Empire Buildings
East 50th Street and Fifth Avenue. Rockefeller Center. British and French Buildings
[620 Fifth Avenue. British Empire Building. Interior, top floor stairs.]
620 Fifth Avenue. British Empire Building. Interior, top floor stairs
Rockefeller Center. Librairie de France, interior.
Rockefeller Center. Librairie de France, interior
Rockefeller Center. Interior, French Building, Lafayette exhibition
[Excavation for Palazzo D'Italia International Building at Rockefeller Center.]
620 Fifth Avenue. British Empire Building. Interior, 7th floor opening on roof garden
[Rockefeller Center. RCA Building. Interior, stairwell.]
610 Fifth Avenue. Rockefeller Center. French and European Publications. Shop interior