Essex and Delancey Street. Essex Market.
[Essex Street.]
[Essex and Hester streets.]
Essex Street, N. Y. City.
East Side Public Schools 2. Class without desks in the Essex Market School.
East Side Public Schools 6. Class in the Essex Market School.
Essex Street, Lower East Side. Slums. People on street, dairy restaurants.
"Playground" of the Essex Market Public Shcool, Row of Closets [Toilets] Opening on It.
Playground" of the Essex Market Public Shcool, Row of Closets [Toilets] Opening on It.
East Side Public Schools 3. "Playground" of the Essex Market School. The hall with rows of closets opening on it.
160 West 59th Street. Essex House
Essex Street, Nwe York.
[Rivington Street, looking toward Essex Street.]
East Side Public Schools 1. A class in the condemned Essex Market School, Gas burning by day.