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[Postman's gloves and handbags store, 436 Fifth Avenue.]

[Postman's gloves and handbags store, 436 Fifth Avenue.]

[557 Fifth Avenue. Grayson store.]

[557 Fifth Avenue. Grayson store.]

417 Fifth Avenue. Selby Shoe Store

417 Fifth Avenue. Selby Shoe Store

535 5th Avenue. Simcox [Building, women looking at dresses in store window].

535 5th Avenue. Simcox [Building, women looking at dresses in store window].

557 Fifth Avenue. Yamatoya

557 Fifth Avenue. Yamatoya

622 5th Avenue. London Feather Co. Building, exterior.

622 5th Avenue. London Feather Co. Building, exterior.

[Stetson Shoes, 385 Fifth Avenue.]

[Stetson Shoes, 385 Fifth Avenue.]

[Peck & Peck, 475 Fifth Avenue.]

[Peck & Peck, 475 Fifth Avenue.]

[Stetson Shoes, 385 Fifth Avenue.]

[Stetson Shoes, 385 Fifth Avenue.]

40th Street and Fifth Avenue. Lane Bryant store. Interior, sales floor and elevator bank

40th Street and Fifth Avenue. Lane Bryant store. Interior, sales floor and elevator bank

381 Fifth Avenue. Storefront, display windows with shoes

381 Fifth Avenue. Storefront, display windows with shoes

381 Fifth Avenue. Storefront, display windows with shoes

381 Fifth Avenue. Storefront, display windows with shoes

424 Fifth Avenue. Lord and Taylor Department Store

424 Fifth Avenue. Lord and Taylor Department Store

[Lindner women's clothing store.]

[Lindner women's clothing store.]

West 36th Street and Fifth Avenue, southwest corner. Russek's Store, formerly Gorham and Company

West 36th Street and Fifth Avenue, southwest corner. Russek's Store, formerly Gorham and Company

624 5th Avenue at 50th Street. Kirkpatrick Store, front and canopy.

624 5th Avenue at 50th Street. Kirkpatrick Store, front and canopy.

39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. Store from above

39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. Store from above

[J. & J. Slater, 415 Fifth Avenue.]

[J. & J. Slater, 415 Fifth Avenue.]

[Cripps store, Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.]

[Cripps store, Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.]

34th Street and Fifth Avenue. McCreery's Store. Interior, escalators

34th Street and Fifth Avenue. McCreery's Store. Interior, escalators

[Postman's gloves and handbags store, 436 Fifth Avenue.]

Accession number X2010.7.1.17831 
Unique identifier MN117519 
Dated ca. 1939 
Physical dimensions H: 2 1/4 in, W: 2 1/4 in 
File dimensions 18.3 in × 18.0 in at 300dpi
46.5 cm × 45.8 cm at 300dpi 

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