play button
[Women's clothing displayed in store window.]

[Women's clothing displayed in store window.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store. Hat display.]

[Interior, clothing store. Hat display.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior of clothing store.]

[Interior of clothing store.]

[Clothing displays in store window.]

[Clothing displays in store window.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Window displays of clothing store.]

[Window displays of clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

[Interior, clothing store.]

Macy's Department Store Windows

Macy's Department Store Windows

535 5th Avenue. Simcox [Building, women looking at dresses in store window].

535 5th Avenue. Simcox [Building, women looking at dresses in store window].

[Interior, men's clothing store.]

[Interior, men's clothing store.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Women's fashion accessories displayed in store window.]

[Women's fashion accessories displayed in store window.]

[Men's clothing store.]

[Men's clothing store.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Women's hats displayed in store window.]

[Lindner women's clothing store.]

Accession number X2010.7.1.17823 
Unique identifier MN117514 
Dated ca. 1939 
Physical dimensions H: 2 1/4 in, W: 2 1/4 in 
File dimensions 18.3 in × 18.1 in at 300dpi
46.5 cm × 46.2 cm at 300dpi 

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