[Observation deck of 60 Wall Street.]
[Woman looking at 40 Wall Street from observation deck of 60 Wall Street.]
[People on observation deck of 60 Wall Street.]
[Observation deck of 60 Wall Street, looking at 40 Wall Street.]
[60 Wall Street. Cities Service Company. Exterior detail, aluminum observatory.]
60 Wall Street. Cities Service Company. Interior detail, elevator door
Sixty Wall Tower. A Cities Service Building. New York, N.Y.
60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] View of Cities Services Building and Lower Manhattan
60 Wall Street [70 Pine Street.] View from Cities Service tower, looking northwest
City view from 60 Wall [70 Pine Street] tower looking north up East River with Brooklyn Bridge, Manhattan Bridge and Williamsburg Bridge
Brooklyn From the Foot of Wall Street, New York.
60 Wall Street. View from Cities Service tower, looking south toward New York Harbor and Governor's Island
60 Wall Street. City Service Company. Interior, observatory [looking at 40 Wall Street]
60 Wall Street. City Service Company. Interior, observatory
View of Williamsburgh, L.I.