[Window washers.]
[Window washer.]
Soho Window Washer
Changing New York [Window washers working on the Seagram Building.]
[Window washers on city street.]
[Office building with Vanderbilt Cafeteria on ground floor.]
101 Park Avenue. Architects Samples Corporation. Southern Cypress Association show window
[Murray Hill Building, 285 Madison Avenue.]
East 40th Street and Madison Avenue, northeast corner. Murray Hill Building. Artist rendering
[Office building windows.]
West 24th Street. Masonic Hall. Detail of windows
East 40th Street and Madison Avenue, southwest corner. Commercial building
278-280 Madison Ave. N.Y.C.
[Man standing on side of truck and window washers.]
16-18 East 40th Street. 12-story limestone building
274 Madison Avenue. Alexander Wilson building, entrance
[Entrance to Metropolitan Auditorium, 15 Madison Avenue.]
[West 40th Street, looking toward 5th Avenue.]
[Men installing window.]