[George Marshall, owner and president of the Washington Redskins.]
[Harold Arlen.]
[Jules Glaenzer.]
[John Colquhoun Tysen, president of the real estate firm Previews, Inc.]
Lauritz Melchior
[Abe Lastfogel, talent scout and president of the William Morris Agency.]
[Morton Downey.]
[Herb Shriner.]
[George H. Bull, president of the Saratoga Racing Association.]
[Elmer G. Leterman.]
[Beardsley Ruml.]
[Norman Foster.]
[Milton Gabler, record producer.]
[Margaret Webster as Mary of Magdala in "Family Portrait".]
[Sirdar Jagjit Singh, president of the India League of America.]
[James J. Johnston, boxing manager of Madison Square Garden.]
[Margalo Gillmore as Sesaly Blaine in "Man's Estate".]
[Alexander Legge.]
[Edwin Goodman, owner and manager of Bergdorf Goodman.]
[W. W. Atterbury, president of Pennsylvania Railroad.]