Safe and Sane Fourth of July. Athletic Celebration
Honorary Committee. Safe and Sane Fourth of July Athletic Carnival
Inspector. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1914 Athletic Celebration
Official. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1924 Athletic Celebration
Timer. Safe and Sane Fourth of July 1912 Athletic Celebration
The City of New York. Hon. William J. Gaynor, Mayor. Safe and Sane Fourth of July, 1911. Athletic Celebration
City of New York Independence Day Celebration
To Make the World Safe For Democracy - We Are One
That the World Shall Have a New Birth of Freedom
A Convenient Map of the City of New York for Service Men
Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense
The City of New York - 1609-1930
"The Spirit of Woman-Power"
To Make the World Safe for Democracy - We Are One
[Fourth of July menu at the Colonial Hotel.]