[Harry Carey as Sam Griggs and Hal K. Dawson as Ralph Humphrey in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Harry Carey as Sam Griggs and Elizabeth Patterson as Amy Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Elizabeth Patterson as Amy Griggs, Harry Carey as Sam Griggs, and Sylvia Field as Jennifer Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Harry Carey as Sam Griggs and Sylvia Field as Jennifer Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Sylvia Field as Jennifer Griggs and Elizabeth Patterson as Amy Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Harry Carey as Sam Griggs and J. Pat O'Malley as Benjamin Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Elizabeth Patterson as Amy Griggs, Frank Wilcox as Tom Carter, and Sylvia Field as Jennifer Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Part of the cast of "But Not Goodbye".]
[Harry Carey as Sam Griggs, Frank Wilcox as Tom Carter, and J. Pat O'Malley as Benjamin Griggs in "But Not Goodbye".]
[Elizabeth Patterson.]
[Harry Carey as Nat Miller in "Ah, Wilderness!".]
[McKay Morris as Ralph Sherry in "Ring Around Elizabeth".]
[Cast members of "Seen But Not Heard".]
[Lea Penman as Harriet Gilpin, Jane Cowl as Elizabeth Cherry and McKay Morris as Ralph Sherry in "Ring Around Elizabeth".]