["Europe", part of "The Four Continents" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
["Europe" sculpture at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[The statue "Europe" and the Washington Building.]
[Bowling Green Offices, 5-11 Broadway, and the Cunard Building, 25 Broadway.]
["America" statue and Custom and Culture sign in front of Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House.]
[Bowling Green Offices Building, 5-11 Broadway.]
["Manhattan" granite statue on the Eastern Parkway façade of the Brooklyn Museum.]
["Red Cube" adjacent to the Marine Midland Building, 140 Broadway.]
[Entrance to 11 Broadway.]
[Columbia University campus with "Curl" sculpture.]
[Cunard Building, 25 Broadway.]
["Group of Four Trees", 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza.]
[Sculpture on the Lehman Gates, Children's Zoo, Central Park.]
[Unidentified sculpture.]