Quick Change
The Queen and the Stagehand
The Green Pastures - Understage
Dress Up Day
Performance: A Study In Complete Absorption ; Intermission: A Study In Spontaneous Combustion
Rehearsing a dance number [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Dress Up Day [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Leaves from a B'way Sketchbook [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Woman drinking out of a straw.]
Exact Fare
Fall Fashion Notes [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Woman playing an accordion under a marquee.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Women ironing clothes, possibly in a theater setting.]
Money Magnet
Free Heat
Richard Waring of "The Corn is Green" making up with coal dust for the first act - as a Welsh miner [Don Freeman's Newsstand.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Advertisement of the Broadway Theatre for Boris Karloff, Orson Welles, Richard Waring, Ed Wynn and others.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [People walking in the rain past a man wearing a sandwich board; two women with a child; man selling cherries.]
Don Freeman's Newsstand [Woman walking an animal as a policeman and others watch.]