Cambodian Buddhist Monastery in the South Bronx
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Health Clinic had a milk program for the children of the neighborhood
South Bronx site of the 1980 "People's Convention" in opposition to the Democratic Party's nominating convention downtown
Mel Rosenthal in his old bedroom in the South Bronx
"Racial Attacks Must Stop", South Bronx residents speak up with a sign
Mikey Nuñez working in the community garden.
People marching: poster saying "South Bronx for Change".
South of Cross Bronx Expressway, decals belie the truth of destruction for suburban commuters.
Candido with neighborhood kids
Among the last residents, [an] African-American boy standing in rubble, his "neighborhood," with abandoned buildings in the background.
When I looked for her to give her the picture, her building had burned and she had moved
Life carries on in the War Zone
St. Athanasia's baseball team
The daily domino game in front of the Social Club
A Child's Playground. Bathgate Avenue
Junior high school student, Bathgate Avenue.
Mother and daughter pause in the ruins, which is still their home, Claremont Parkway.
Paulina in front of the Social Club before it got demolished.
Girls posing in front of the Junior High School on Third Avenue
B & B Electronics Store Owner with children, Bay Ridge, Brooklyn