Balls--Bergdorf Ball
Cartoonists' Ball
Junior League Mardi Gras--Plaza Hotel
Bergdorf Goodman window.
Mrs. C.V. Whitney
Aid to France Ball
[Edwin Goodman, owner and manager of Bergdorf Goodman.]
Barefoot at the Stork Club
Macy's Department Store
Fifth Avenue - Brigida Dammes, Laraine Day, Pat Geoghegan, Mary Damon. [Woman entering Delman shoe store at Bergdorf Goodman.]
Edward R. Murrow
Fifth Avenue - Brigida Dammes, Laraine Day, Pat Geoghegan, Mary Damon. [Woman walking by Bergdorf Goodman.]
Parties (Fashion)--Wolfe, Cathay Circle, Red Book Party, Taylor, Rocco Padulo
Musicians' Emergency Fund--7 Duchesses Crown Ball, Waldorf Hotel
Nightclub--Salle de Champagnes in Greenwich Village
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Gates
Anita Loos