Jinx Falkenburg
Helen Nolan Neil with Tex McCrary
Art by Celebrities Sponsored by the Urban League [Jinx Falkenburg and Tex McCrary's painting.]
[Tex McCrary, Holland Taylor, Jinx Falkenburg, and Keith Charles on the set of "Breakfast with Les and Bess".]
Hollywood Health Habits--Jinx Falkenburg
[Holland Taylor and Keith Charles with Tex McCrary on the set of "Breakfast with Les and Bess".]
New York Street Scenes--Fashion Experiment
Whitney Museum
Artists' Equity Association
Winter Cottons--Evelyn Tripp
Fashion Shows--De Pinna
Gardner and Fleur Cowles
Hal McIntyre--Bandleader
Art by Celebrities--Sponsored by Urban League
Mr. John's Orange Embroidered Hat--Model Carmen