Saturday evening, February 15, 1873, the popular comedy in three acts, entitled "David Garrick"
Tuesday, October 3, tenth night of the new and original drama by Tom Taylor, Esq., entitled "The Serf"
Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, January 1, 2 and 3, and Saturday matinee at 2, will be performed the great drama in five acts, entitled "Oliver Twist"
The American play at last! "The Danites; or, Heart of the Sierras" written by Mr. Joaquin Miller, the popular and gifted poet
Wednesday evening, May 30, 1866, first benefit of Mr. M. L. Sutton, treasurer, on which occasion will be presented the new romantic drama in four acts, "Pages From the History of David Copperfield"
Benefit of Mr. Burton. Saturday, January 30, the comedy in five acts, "The Merry Wives of Windsor"
Monday evening, May 22, 1865, will be presented the fascinating domestic drama in five acts, entitled "Fanchon the Cricket". Miss Maggie Mitchell in her exquisite life-like picture of Little Cricket
Monday, November 12, 1877, and every evening until further notice, will be presented Farnie's highly successful London burlesque, entitled "Robinson Crusoe"
Jno. T. Raymond as Col. Mulberry Sellers in Mark Twain's American drama, "Gilded Age; or, Col. Sellers"
Saturday evening, September 12, 1863, will be performed for the 11th time in this city, an entirely new drama in four acts by John Brougham, "The Mystery of Audley Court"
Last night of the season but five, "I Puritani", Monday, December 8, 1851
Thursday evening, March 8, 1866, the performances will commence with the petite comedy in two acts, "Used Up"
Wednesday evening, November 14, "Romeo and Juliet". 39th night of the engagement of Miss Cushman, when she will appear in her great character of Romeo with Mrs. Bowers as Juliet
Every evening at 8 and Saturday matinee at 1:30 for the week ending December 8, 1877, Frank Marshall's charming comedy-drama, "False Shame"
Monday, September 14, 1874, every evening at 8, Wednesday and Saturday matinees at 2, a play in five acts by Augustin Daly, “Under the Gaslight”
Saturday evening, February 8, the new comedy "Serve Him Right; or, The Rake Reformed"
Third subscription night, "Lucrezia Borgia", Friday evening, November 7, 1851
Tonight and every night, "The Seven Sisters"
Tuesday evening, October 9, 1860, and every night until further notice, Miss Cushman, second time here, as Meg Merrilies in the musical drama of "Guy Mannering"
Monday evening, March 25, 1878, every evening during the week and Saturday matinee, Maggie Mitchell supported by the sterling young actor, Wm. Harris, will appear in "Fanchon"