"The Merry Malones" - Act I
Bass orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
Bassoon orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
Flute and piccolo orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
First violin orchestration for "The Merry Malones"
"The Merry Malones"
"The Honeymooners" - Act II
The Governor's Son. Act II.
"The Man Who Owns Broadway" - Act II
"The Yankee Prince" - Act II
"Madeleine and the Movies" - Act II
"The Tavern" - Act II
"The Miracle Man" - Act II
"Popularity" - Act II
The Governor's Son. Act III.
"Forty-five Minutes from Broadway", Act II
"The Honeymooners" - Act I
"The Small Town Gal" - Act II
"Cohan's Revue 1916" - Act II