Trombone orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Viola orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Trumpet orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Drum orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Clarinet orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Flute orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
First violin orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Horn orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Second violin orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Bass orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Bassoon orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Oboe orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
First violin and piano orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1916"
Cello orchestration for "The Honeymooners"
Oboe orchestration for "The Cohan Revue of 1918"
Viola orchestration for "The Honeymooners"
Bass orchestration for "The Honeymooners"
Trombone orchestration for "The Honeymooners"
Drum orchestration for "The Honeymooners"