Soldiers and Sailors Monument
View from Mount Tom, Showing Riverside Drive and Residence in the Distance
Riverside Drive and 89th Street, Showing Bishop Potter's Residence
Cyrus Clark's Old Residence. N.E. Corner Riverside Drive and 90th Street
Bretton Hall. Broadway 85th and 86th Streets
Riverside Drive at 96th St.
Riverside Drive between 105th and 106th Streets.
Riverside Drive between 74th and 75th Streets
Riverside Drive at 90th Street, Cyrus Clark's Residence and also the Residence of John H. Matthews
Grant's Tomb, with Claremont in the Distance
Riverside Drive at 112th Street, Showing the Arch of the Cathedral
Broadway at Junction of West End and 107th Street
Residence of Cyrus Clark 327 West 76th Street
Residence of Charles M. Schwab, Riverside Drive between 73rd and 74th Streets
Riverside Viaduct
Fort Tyron of the Revolution, Morningside Park and Grant's Tomb in the Distance.
View in Subway Station at Broadway and 59th Street; New Subway Viaduct Broadway & 124th Street
Broadway at 72nd Street. Showing the Colonial Club, St. Andrews Hotel, Rutgers Presp. Church and the Ansonia Apartment House
Broadway at 66th Street. Looking North
The American Museum of Natural History