[Norris Fay, a survivor, receives first aid as the third passenger coach is seconds away from plunging into water during the aftermath of the Newark Bay rail accident.]
[Dr. Rodrigo Sarmiento reading the account of his surrender while in the Brooklyn Avenue police station.]
Roosevelt Hospital
New Home for Homeless.
[Sister Miriam Barbara leading a small boy to the new building of the New York Foundling Hospital.]
[Couple walking down the aisle.]
Lakeville Golf and Country Club, Interior, Shower and Dressing Rooms.
Ships, Cunard Line, S.S. "Caronia".
[Rose Rivera turns away from her child, held by Patrolman John Walsh, after holding the infant out of window by one foot.]
Can't Face Baby
Columbia Hotel, Brooklyn, N.Y.
[Aftermath of the Newark Bay rail accident.]
Doctor Wins 2 Week Delay in Slaying
45 Lives Get a Lift
[Lenore Tyrrell, 15 months, only wearing flippers to the amusement of other swimmers and the exasperation of lifeguard Jack Cudahy at the Steeplechase Pool.]
Empty Chair, Empty Life
Squirrel Goes Nuts
"But Sir, I AM a Skin Diver."
Norris Fay, a survivor, receives first aid. Third passenger coach is seconds away from plunging into water.
Violence Erupts at Soviet UN HQ