Annual Entertainment and Reception of United Council Incorporated
Annual Entertainment and Reception of St. James' Union
Fourth Annual Reception and Ball of the Entre Nous Literary Society
Annual Reception of the Lady Mignonettes
Old Guard Reception
Twentieth Annual Banquet of the New York State Hotel Association
Musical and Dramatic Entertainment and Reception for the benefit of St. Catharine's Academy, West 152nd Street
Forty-Fourth Annual Reception of the Atalanta Boat Club
Annual Reception of the Lady Violets
Grand Spectacular Entertainment in Aid of the Teachers' Mutual Benefit Association of the City of New York
Announcing the Removal of the Tree Club to the Merry-Go-Round
[The honor of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gracie King's company is requested at the Bachelors Ball.]
Dinner in honour of Mr. George T. Wilson given by members of the Union League Club of New York
First Grand Ball of the Merry Centennial Social Club
Crystal Wedding of Mr. & Mrs. Seabury Lawrence
First Reception of the Entre Nous Literary & Social Club