[56th Street between Lexington and Park Avenues.]
East 56th Street and Park Avenue. Arthur Brisbane Building
East 56th Street and Park Avenue. Elevated view looking south down Park Avenue
West 56th Street and 7th Avenue. Carnegie Studio Building, 56th Street end.
6 East 56th Street.
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Bonwit Teller
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Stewart and Company
111 East 56th Street. Hotel Lombardy. Detail of base and entrance
[43 West 56th Street.]
465 Lexington Avenue between 45th and 46th Street.
39 West 56th Street. General exterior.
East 76th Street, south side between Lexington and Park Avenues. General exterior.
Park Avenue between 55th and 56th Streets, west side. Apartments.
43-45 West 56th Street.
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Bonwit Teller. Display windows
56th Street at the S.E. corner of 5th Avenue. Hotel Langdon.
68 East 56th Street. General exterior.
Looking N.E. From S.W. Cor. 56th St. & Park Ave.
[22 West 56th Street. Robert Fridenberg print gallery.]