[Greece in the Hall of Nations, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. League of Nations Building.]
[Railroad building in the Transportation Zone, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. Italian Building.]
[Switzerland building, New York World's Fair.]
[Venezuela building in the Government Zone, New York World's Fair.]
[Administration building, New York World's Fair.]
[United States Federal Building in the Government Zone, New York World's Fair.]
[New York World's Fair. Court of Nations.]
[United States Federal Building, New York World's Fair.]
[Great Britain building in the Government Zone, New York World's Fair.]
[View of British pavilion across Lagoon of Nations, New York World's Fair.]
[Chrysler Motors building, New York World's Fair.]
[Carrier building and entrance to the Elgin National Watch Company pavilion, New York World's Fair.]
[Buildings at the New York World's Fair.]
[Building at the New York World's Fair.]
[League of Nations, New York World's Fair.]