Wilson Avenue and East 214th Street. Wilson-Post Apartments
Wilson Avenue and East 214th Street. Wilson-Post Apartments. Entrance
[Wilson-Post Apartments.]
[Wilson Avenue, just west of Boston Post Road. Wilson-Post Apartments, general view along Wilson Avenue.]
East 216th Street and Bronx Boulevard. Vari Lace Manufacturing Company
2925 Matthews Avenue. Apartment complex
[214th Street and Paulding Avenue.]
East 175th Street and Marmion Avenue. Apartment house.
108th Street between 66th Road and 66th Avenue. Forestdale Apartments. Entrance.
[Six-story apartment building on the southeast corner of East 188th Street and Creston Avenue.]
Grand Concourse and East 205th Street, northwest corner. Apartment building
[East 10th Street and Second Avenue. Apartment building.]
Charlotte Street and Boston Road. Apartment house.
Park Avenue between East 94th and 95th Street. Apartment building
23rd Street and Hayes Avenue. The Tower Apartments
West 165th Street and University Avenue. Apartment building. Construction view
[Forestdale Apartments on 108th Street.]
Morris Avenue between 177th Street and Mount Hope Place, east side. General exterior.