[7 Gracie Square. Apartment building. View from park.]
7 Gracie Square. Apartment building. View from park
7 Gracie Square. Apartment building
7 Gracie Square. Apartments, view from park.
975 Park Avenue. Apartment building
888 Park Avenue. Apartment building
941 Park Avenue. Apartment building
660 Park Avenue. Apartment building
1045 Park Avenue. Apartment building
10 Gracie Square. Apartment building, view from East River looking west.
640 Park Avenue. Apartment building
1075 Park Avenue. Apartment building
530 East 86th Street. Apartment building
820 Park Avenue. Apartment building
775 Park Avenue. Apartment building
10 Gracie Square. View south from roof.
7 Gracie Square. View from bedroom of Mrs. Wallinson's penthouse, looking south.
7 Gracie Square. From [4th?] floor looking north at the park.
Chapin School apartments adjoining Gracie Square.