[74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings, Christmas Club new accounts.]
74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings, flashlight views of depositors cashing Christmas Club checks, also opening new accounts for 1940.
[74 Wall Street. Seamen's Bank for Savings.]
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank. Interior, new accounts
Seamen's Bank, 30 Wall Street, January 4, 1956
80 Wall Street. New York Burlap and Jute Exchange. Interior
40 Wall Street. Bank of Manhattan
23 Wall Street. J.P. Morgan Bank, general view of entrance, Hecla-Winslow work.
Church Street and Cortlandt Street. East River Savings Bank
Dollar Savings Bank. Interior.
Dollar Savings Bank. Interior
63 Wall Street. Detail new entrance