Yellow Taxi Co's Garage. #426 East 61st St. N.Y.C.
[12 East 61st Street.]
49 East 61st Street. General exterior.
South-East Corner 89 St. and Park Ave. N.Y.C.
#51 East 92nd St. N.Y.C.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. [...]
The Croyden 12 East 86 St. N.Y.C.
East 61st Street and Fifth Avenue. Gerry Residence
[Park Avenue and 61st Street.]
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. Looking N.
[Unidentified building at East 61st Street and Madison Avenue.]
61st Street and 5th Avenue. Gerry residence, detail of east dormer window, 61 Street front.
540 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 61st Street. Apartment house.
Ziegler residence. #2-4-6 East 63rd St. N.Y.C. View looking N.E.
[George] Whitney Residence, 120 East 80th Street N.Y.C.