Borden's Farm Products Company. 90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y.C. Bergen St. Front
Borden's Farm Products Co. #90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. Looking North on Roof from Bergen St end of Building
Rex Cole, Fourth Avenue and Pacific Street, Brooklyn.
Borden's Farm Products Co. #90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. Looking S.E. at new section of South Gable Wall to Third Ave. Building
Schermerhorn Street at the S.W. corner of 3rd Avenue. Baptist Temple.
135 Johnson Street. Edward Weck and Company Plant
Rex Cole, Fourth Avenue and Pacific Street, Brooklyn, NY.
229 West 43rd Street. Times Building and Annex
Borden's Farm Products Co. #90 Third Ave. Brooklyn N.Y. Looking S.E. on Roof from Dean St. end of Building
3rd Avenue and Pacific Street. The New York Times Building, general exterior.
[One Times Square, looking south.]
421 First Avenue. New York Life printing plant
Schermerhorn Street. Brooklyn Storage warehouse, general view.
135 Johnson Street. Edward Weck and Company plant. Interior showing making of surgical instruments