[Park Avenue and East 68th Street.]
East 68th Street and Lexington Avenue. Hunter College
East 68th Street and Park Avenue. View looking south down Park Avenue towards NY Central Building
[Townhouses on East 68th Street.]
49 East 68th Street. Havemeyer residence.
[Unidentified building at East 61st Street and Madison Avenue.]
[315 East 68th Street. Apartment building.]
315 East 68th Street. Apartment building
[Northwest corner of Madison Avenue and 68th Street.]
41 East 68th Street. Edw. M. Sparrow residence.
East 68th Street and York Avenue. New York Cornell Medical Center
[66th Street and 5th Avenue.]
47 East 68th Street. Anson M. Beard residence.
43 East 68th Street. Exterior of Frederick Brooks residence.
43 East 68th Street. Frederick R. Brooks house.
[Brownstone buildings on Madison Avenue and East 78th Street.]
353 East 68th Street. German Reformed Church of America.
37 East 68th Street. British Men's Service Club. Interior, lounge
[88th Street and Madison Avenue.]