New York Worlds Fair. Perisphere, looking up from inside steel frame
New York Worlds Fair. View looking down on Perisphere steel frame from Trylon
New York Worlds Fair. Perisphere and Trylon steel frame
[New York World's Fair. Construction view, looking up at the steel frame of the Perisphere.]
[Construction of the Perisphere, New York World's Fair site.]
[New York World's Fair. Aviation Building, steel frame. Construction view.]
[New York World's Fair. Construction view, looking up at steel frame.]
[Construction of the Perisphere and Trylon, New York World's Fair site.]
[Construction of the New York World's Fair site, showing the steel frame of the Perisphere.]
[Construction of the New York World's Fair site, with the steel frames of the Trylon and Perisphere in the background.]
New York Worlds Fair. Elevated view of Communications Court from Perisphere
[New York World's Fair site during construction, showing the steel frames of the Trylon and Perisphere.]