146th Street and Lenox Avenue. Interborough Rapid Transit Company. Interior, repair shop
Exterior, Interborough Rapid Transit Car Barns.
[Interborough Rapid Transit turbines at 74th Street.]
[Interborough Rapid Transit Company.]
West 147th Street and Seventh Avenue. Consolidated Gas Company. Interborough repair shop
Interior, Interborough Rapid Transit Car Barns, Battery of Double Sinks in Wash Room.
[New turbine work, Interborough Rapid Transit.]
Lenox Avenue and 136th Street. Harlem Hospital, exterior.
[136th Street and Lenox Avenue. Harlem Hospital, exterior.]
[St. Nicholas Avenue and 146th Street.]
Lenox Avenue and 146th Street [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
Lenox Avenue and 146th St. [Jackson Street to Ludlow Street]
[3rd Avenue and 146th Street.]
[Brooklyn Rapid Transit machine shop.]
Original Exhibits of Rapid Transit Subway Construction Company, Plaintiff [Unidentified construction equipment.]
Brooklyn Rapid Transit.