Henry Hope and Sons. Exhibition at Architectural League, April 1925.
[Hope's Windows. Interior, showroom.]
Fifth Avenue. Henry Reinhardt & Son
[Hope's Windows exhibit.]
View of Miss M. Zimmerman at her studio, [detail of] jewelry on desk.
Bust of President Franklin D. Roosevelt by sculptress Mrs. Ruth Yates, cast in pewter by Henry Hope
Model at library table, view of lamp.
Friends School Field. General view of field from entrance with girl's field hockey
60 Wall Street. Cities Service tower. Elevator girl looking out of window at view
East 176th Street at the N.E. corner of Mt. Hope Avenue. Apartment house.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, hall at stairs.
Museum of Modern Art, night view of garden at opening.
[Bird's-eye view of river and surrounding streets.]
[Girls looking at a toy exhibit.]
155th Street and Broadway. Henry C. Swords Memorial at Trinity Cemetery, general view including grave.
View of Miss M. Zimmerman at her studio.
The Stuyvesant Corporation, view at entrance of private office.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, hall at entrance.
Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, vertical view of bridge at dusk.