[Fifth Avenue and 9th Street.]
East 96th Street and Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
9 East 79th Street. Apartment building
East 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
[East 10th Street and Second Avenue. Apartment building.]
[101st Street and Fifth Avenue. Apartment building.]
952 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
East 84th Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. Apartment building
Broadway and 9th Street. Old Wanamakers building.
East 55th Street and Madison Avenue. Apartment building
1016 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
9th Street at the N.W. corner of 5th Avenue. The Fifth Avenue Hotel.
990 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
810 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
163-179 West 12th Street. Apartment building
920 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
1107 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
Fort Washington Avenue and West 159th Street. Apartment building.
856 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
1107 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building. Construction view