[Henry W.] Boettger residence, hall at stairs.
Boettger residence. Interior, library
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, hall at entrance.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, drawing room.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, library.
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, reception room.
[Residence. Interior, entrance hall.]
[Henry W.] Boettger residence, dining room.
[Residence. Interior, hall.]
19 East 72nd Street. Interior, stair hall
Anthony Campagna [residence]. Stair hall.
[Interior, stairs.]
Hall of Records. Rotunda, looking at stairs.
Manhattan College. Archway to De La Salle Hall
Edwin Sommerich residence, living room at stairs. "Florian Court".
[New Amsterdam Theatre. Interior, stairs.]