[Al Smith and Franklin D. Roosevelt.]
Franklin D. Roosevelt
[Franklin D. Roosevelt.]
Franklin D. Roosevelt--Book Jackets
I Want Roosevelt Again
[Franklin D. Roosevelt giving a radio address.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking into radio microphones.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt giving a Columbus Day radio address.]
Win with F. D. R., Jr.
Win with F. D. R. Jr.
Politics - Tammany Hall [Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr. and Suzanne Perrin Roosevelt.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt at the 50th Anniversary of the Statue of Liberty.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking into a microphone.]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt with the cast of "Pins and Needles".]
[Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking at Hunter College.]
Inauguration of Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of the State of New York