East 57th Street and Madison Avenue, northwest corner. Banker's Trust Company
57 Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. Manufacturers Trust Company in base, general exterior.
1696 Myrtle Avenue. Ridgewood. Manufacturers Trust Company. Interior
681 8th Avenue and 43rd Street. Manufacturers Trust, interior.
West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Corn Exchange Bank
681 8th Avenue and 43rd Street. Manufacturers Trust Co.
1819 Broadway. Manufacturers Trust Company. Entrance
[Ziegler building, 43rd Street and Fifth Avenue.]
118 West 43rd Street. Drake's Restaurant
311-319 West 43rd Street. Scribner Building
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company
229 West 43rd Street. Times Building and Annex
7 West 43rd Street. Century Club
110 West 43rd Street. Elks Club.
East 57th Street and First Avenue, southwest corner. Corn Exchange Bank Trust Company
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company. Entrance
West 43rd Street and Sixth Avenue. Dismantling of the Sixth Avenue elevated train tracks
5th Avenue at the corner of East 43rd Street. Postal Life Building.
44th Street and Fifth Avenue. Guaranty Trust Company. Interior