Dollar Savings Bank. Interior.
Dollar Savings Bank. Interior
147th Street and Willis Avenue. Dollar Savings Bank.
Bank for Savings [280 Park Avenue South], New York, interior.
Dollar Savings Bank, 3rd Avenue and 147th Street, Bronx
Dime Savings Bank, general interior.
385 Madison Avenue. Manhattan Savings Bank. Interior, new accounts
East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Interior, hall
14th Street and 4th Avenue. German Savings Bank, interior.
[Bronx National Bank. Interior.]
Canal Street and Bowery. Manhattan Savings Bank, General Interior From N. E. Corner
Bronx National Bank. Interior
112 6th Avenue. West Side Savings Bank, interior.
Union Dime Savings Bank. Officers' room.
125th Street. Empire City Savings Bank. Interior
Atlantic Avenue and Fourth Avenue. Williamsburgh Savings Bank
385 Madison Avenue and 47th Street. Manhattan Savings Bank
110 East 42nd Street. Bowery Savings Bank. Entrance
Dime Savings Bank, Directors' Room.