330 West 42nd Street. McGraw-Hill Building. View of building from northeast looking towards front
The Corn Exchange Bank. West 42nd St. Branch. 303 West 42nd Street
West 42nd Street. McGraw Hill Building.
234 West 42nd Street. Exterior
[121 West 42nd Street.]
[The Candler Building, 222 West 42nd Street.]
[East 42nd Street and Lexington Avenue. Hotel Commodore. Interior.]
West 42nd Street. New Amsterdam Theatre.
121 West 42nd Street. Adler Shoes
[315 West 42nd Street.]
[10-12 East 42nd Street.]
[West 42nd Street and Eighth Avenue. Terminal hotel.]
West 42nd Street. Candler Building.
[Sixth Avenue El, 42nd Street station.]
[42nd Street.]
West 42nd Street. Cigar store interior
Franklin Savings Bank Addition. S.E. Cor. 42nd St. & Eighth Ave.
122 East 42nd Street. Chanin Tower building. View from 220 East 42nd Street, Daily News Building
West 59th Street and Seventh Avenue. New York Athletic Club
142 West 42nd Street. Bush Arcade