106 West 56th Street. Phi Gamma Delta club. Interior
106 West 56th Street. Phi Gamma Delta club. Interior, reception room
106 West 56th Street. Phi Gamma Delta club. Interior, billiard room
Phi Gamma Delta Club, 44 West 44th St., Building.
West 57th Street and Sixth Avenue. Professional Building. Interior, entrance hall
West 56th Street and 7th Avenue. Carnegie Studio Building, 56th Street end.
Alpha Delta Phi Convention, New York, April 1907.
[43 West 56th Street.]
39 West 56th Street. General exterior.
43-45 West 56th Street.
[2 West 56th Street.]
[22 West 56th Street. Robert Fridenberg print gallery.]
340 West 55th Street. National Bible Institute
110 West 57th Street. Lotos Club
6 East 56th Street.