960 Fifth Avenue. Former site Senator Clark residence
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence. Interior, drawing room
[Detail of mantel in library of former Senator William A. Clark's residence.]
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William H. Clark residence
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, library.]
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Detail of roof.]
[Interior of Senator William A. Clark's residence. Empty room.]
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator W. A. Clark residence. Interior, grand staircase
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, period room, detail of tapestry and frame
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, empty room toward door.]
932 Fifth Avenue. M. Schiff residence, exterior
858 Fifth Avenue [Ryan residence.]
952 Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
East 72nd Street and Fifth Avenue. Apartment building
[Senator Clark's residence.]
Schiff Residence [965 Fifth Avenue].