39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. Store from above
[Looking south on Fifth Avenue from 39th Street.]
Fifth Avenue and 39th Street.
38th Street and Fifth Avenue. Franklin Simon and Company Store
West 38th Street and Fifth Avenue. Franklin Simon, storefront
39th Street and Fifth Avenue. Kress and Company. View of white enameled brick work in penthouse on top of building
[View looking north on Fifth Avenue from 39th Street.]
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. B. Altman and Company Store
56th Street and Fifth Avenue. Stewart and Company
#140 East 39th Street.
39th Street and Fifth Avenue, northwest corner. Old Wendel Mansion
[39th Street and Madison Avenue.]
Madison Avenue and 39th Street.
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. Altman's Department Store. Entire block from elevated vantage
[Cripps store, Fifth Avenue and 34th Street.]
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. Altman's Department Store. Top floor from elevated vantage
34th Street and Fifth Avenue. McCreery's Store. Interior, escalators