East 67th Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. George Gould residence
857 Fifth Ave. at 67th Street. [The George Gould Residence.]
[East 67th Street and 5th Avenue, N.E. corner. George Gould residence.]
857 5th Avenue and 67th Street, N.E. corner. Wm. H. Vanderbilt [Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt II?] residence, formerly George Gould residence, general view.
Geo. J. Gould, 857 Fifth Ave.
[George Gould's residence.]
East 80th Street and Fifth Avenue. Duke residence. Entrance
5th Avenue and 63rd Street. George Crocker residence entrance.
960 Fifth Avenue. Senator Clark's residence
East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, period room, detail of tapestry and frame
[East 77th Street and Fifth Avenue. Senator William A. Clark residence. Interior, empty room toward door.]
858 Fifth Avenue [Ryan residence.]
814 Fifth Avenue. Residence
East 61st Street and Fifth Avenue. Gerry Residence
East 71st Street and Fifth Avenue, northeast corner. [Florence Adele Vanderbilt] Twombly residence