57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Residence: Built 1868 for Mary Mason Jones; Later occupied by Mrs. Parish Stevens, then H. Oelrichs, now an office building
1 East 57th Street. Mary Mason Jones House. Mrs. Paran Stevens residence
West 57th Street and Fifth Avenue. Whitney Residence
57th Street and Fifth Avenue, southwest corner. Heckscher Building
[40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front.]
Fifth Avenue and 57th Street [Fifth Avenue, 57th Street to 101st Street]
West 57th Street and Seventh Avenue. Kelly Springfield Tire Building. Interior, office
5 East 57th Street. Commercial building
40 West 57th Street. H.B. Gilbert residence, front.
57th Street and 7th Avenue. The Osborne.
Street Scene Fifth Ave. South from 57th Street.
[Heckscher Building, Fifth Avenue and 57th Street.]
Parlor - Mrs. Paran Stevens 1894, Northeast Corner of Fifth Ave. and 57th Street.
Fourteen Story Office Building. 119-121 West 57th Street New York City
West 57th Street and Seventh Avenue. Kelly Springfield Tire Building
953 3rd Avenue and 57th Street. Nineteenth Ward Bank Building.
[11 West 57th Street. Juilliard residence.]
322 East 57th Street. Apartment building
250 West 57th Street. Fisk Building