#169-171 East 87 St. New York City. Looking N.E. at Edge to S.W. Corner of Building at 175 East 87th St., Showing How Front Wall & West Gable Wall Are Not Tied Together
165-167 East 87th St. New York City. General View of Fronts to #165-167 East 87th Street. Shows Separation in Brickwork on 165 East 87 St. Also Window Sills Chipped Off on Both Buildings
327 East 119th St. New York City. Front or South Wall to 327 East 119th St. View From Stoop to 326 East 119th St. Looking North
214-220 East 21st St. New York City. Looking N.W. at Easterly Gable Wall to 210-12 East 21st. St.
443-45-47 East 74th St. New York. Looking North East From South Side of Street
South-West Corner 63rd St. and Madison Ave. East Gable Wall to 22 East 63rd Street
309 East 112th St. New York City. From Stoop at 306 East 112th St. Looking North-East at 309 East 112th St.
108-110 East 87th Street. Apartment building
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From S.E. Corner 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking N.W. at North Side of Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
S.W. Cor. 184th St. and Wadsworth Ave. N.Y.C. South Front to #649 West 184th St.
#124 East 86th St. N.Y.C. From N.E. Cor. 86th St. and Lexington Ave. Looking S.W. at South Side Block Between Lexington and Park Ave.
450 West 37th St. New York City. Ground Floor Stair Hallway. View Looking Toward Backyard Entrance From Point 10 Feet South of Entrance to Street
[6 and 2 East 87th Street.]
87th Street. Phipps residence.
5th Avenue and 87th Street. Phipps residence, front elevation.
244 East 104 St. New York City. General View of North, Front Wall from N.E.
309 East 112th Street. New York City. From Entrance Doorway Looking North Through First Floor.
#124 East 86 St. N.Y.C. From South Side 86 St. From Center of Park Ave. looking N.E. at Block Front North Side Bet. Park and Lexington Ave.
5th Avenue and 87th Street. Phipps residence.
302 West 87th Street.